100 Days of Ink Drawings

At the end of last month I started the 100 Day Project for this year. My goal is to create 100 ink drawings, taking about an hour each, in my square sketchbook. I’m enjoying seeing what emerges from this process, and the inky patchwork the images create when displayed in a grid.

Ink and dip pen is easily my favourite medium and I’ve been focusing in on that lately, developing my skills and enjoying the process of leaving glistening inky lines all over the creamy sketchbook paper. It’s an absorbing sensory experience. I’m taking my 100 day project at my own pace, so I haven’t quite kept up with the official program, but when I do make it to 100 drawings I’d like to create a book from the pieces and add in some snippets of poetry.


The strange and beautiful life of the sea and some mysterious manuscripts


Trees and Night Thoughts